So, we had another doctor's appointment today! Everything is going great! Gotta love that strong heartbeat you look forward to for weeks in between appointments! Such a sweet melody! Today's heartbeat was a funky little rhythm, it was kinda like pump boom boom, pump boom boom. It was around 152ish. Still fast and strong! Come on girl! On that note, the doctor wasn't really cool with the idea of letting me get my ultrasound a little earlier than he normally does it, 20wks. So I won't be able to find out until I get back from my trip to NY City in the beginning of May! :( Bummer dude! So I guess we'll just have to wait a few more weeks....I'll try to be patient! haha! I'm finally starting to show, even in the morning, which is what really counts, according to me! Lol! I am freaking out about the numbers on the scale though, up and up they go! ugh! It's really hard to be comfortable watching myself "put on the pounds" when I've never had a problem with the creeping up before!! Sometimes it's a little disappointing, which I know isn't the right way to feel, but it's scary!! I know the weight is good weight and I eat healthy and all that, I just have to get used to it! Well, anyway, that's about all that's exciting for now! Until later...
yo are so right on waiting to hear the heart beat between appts! thats a cute belly shot!
Haha! thanks! I think I look particularly pale, but that's usually the norm for me, right? ;) I love hearing it, it's the sweetest sound ever!
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