Thursday, September 3, 2009

So we finally received the closing date for our house yesterday! October 30th our house will be complete and we will have keys! Very exciting! I've decided to try and figure out this whole blog thing, so we'll see if I can get some pictures posted on here, they're a little post dated, but I have packed the picture upload thing (USB port...I think) to put the newer pictures of the house up, but hey, atleast it's something, right? We are very excited to start the next chapter of our lives and can't wait to fill our house will stuff and maybe even a baby or two! :) Until later...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Well, I'm putting off getting ready for work by writing this, but who cares. I dunno if I've ever written on here, so I guess it's time to start! Work was really slow this last week and is making me dread going in today to start the next week. Anyone else feel the same? :( Hopefully my efforts to draw people in (which I have been faithfully doing since last month!) will soon prove effective! I don't know how much more simple I can make it to get people to come get there hair done! I am going to start working at our Mesa location one day a week starting Tuesday Sept 1st, so that should be a new fun adventure, Mesa girls, Here I Come!

Our house is going up like a rocket! They should be dry-walling this week or atleast soon! I can't believe, it's just so real, right there in front of you! Kind of scary, but exciting too! I can't wait to decorate and fill it with warm and love...and maybe babies eventually! ;) If I can figure this thing out, maybe I'll post some pictures!

Anyway, that's pretty much all I have to say! Good-bye!